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Love Shelbyville Day is April 28th

It's time to serve our community and love on Shelbyville! Every fourth Sunday, instead of our usual gathering we “go outside” the walls of our church and serve in the community. Meet us at Governor's Square this Sunday at 10 AM to group up and Go Outside. Opportunities are listed at the bottom of this post.

We also have several needs to make Love Shelbyville Day happen this weekend! Can you help meet any of these needs? Contact to help.

  • someone with access to a power washer to help at Operation Care

  • 5-6 people to come to Governor's Square Sunday at 9 AM to help set chairs up for the day

  • people to serve at Stormhaven that can bring their own weed eater/electric trimmers

A Place to Sleep

Delivering beds to kids in Shelby County without a place to sleep

Backpack Project

Filling bags with food so kids in SCPS do not go hungry over the weekend

Critically Loved

Putting binders together to equip parents who are walking through life with a medically fragile/terminal/chronically ill child

Dorman Center

Planting a tree and cleaning up landscaping

Father’s Love

Cleaning up and landscaping the backyard

Inmate Letters

Continuing to encourage and write to men in Shelby County jail who are a part of the SAP program

Operation Care

Power washing the awning and cleaning all the windows at their main location


Intentional prayer time for ministry partners, those serving, church family, and the lost

Prayer & Encouragement

Praying for and making goody bags to encourage the faculty and staff of Big Picture, Inspire, and Ascension Academies

Shelby County Park

Tearing down a play structure and picking up trash

Stormhaven Youth Ranch

Cleaning up and continuing to prepare the ranch as spring sessions are underway




We gather Sundays starting at 10 AM. Coffee will be ready, Community Kids is available, and we'll sing, pray, and open Scripture together.



Governor's Square 

198 Frankfort Road

Shelbyville, KY 40065

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