It's the end of 2024. Reflect.
I'll spare you all my personal reflections on the end of this year. But I would encourage you to do some reflecting on what the year passed brought to your life! Reflecting back is actually one of the most effective ways to grow moving forward.
In that spirit, one last reminder to fill out the Spiritual Health Surveys. It's the kind of reflection that could set you up for growth in 2025!
The end of life.
Several CCC families are walking through death and grieving during this Christmas season. And for many others, we're re-entering that grief as we celebrate Christmas with family and friends.
Grieve well. Feel those feelings.
But grieve with hope. And encourage one another with the words of 1 Thes 4:13-18 in mind.
The city that is to come is the end we should have in mind.
I touched on this in yesterday's sermon. God's building the greatest city of all time. For us. And our lives should seek His City - not try and build our own. If we wrap our hearts around this, it changes everything!
The end of something can be the beginning of something better! Baptisms!
Jack and Cam's baptisms were incredible! I was excited to celebrate with them, but more than that, I was reminded by both of their stories how the end of something was the catalyst for something better.
Baptism is always the beginning. The start of a public journey with Jesus that changes the way you live.
But for both Jack and Cam, their decision to do that came at the end of something else.
For Cam, I remember him coming to this realization at the end of a week of camp. Baptism was his next step. And he's been walking towards that with his family ever since.
For Jack, coming to the end of our discipleship group forced all of us to consider what Jesus was asking us to do next. Baptism was the answer.
The end of something can be the beginning of something better!