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Where has summer gone?? (Back to School Bash details)

That is a great question! Summer has flown by which must mean we are all having fun?! With summer break coming to a close we want you to stay prepared with what is coming up in Next Gen Ministry at CCC. One way we do that every year is our Back to School Bash! The event will start @5pm at CCC! This is a NEXT GEN event so make sure you and your k-12th grader stop by!

*** Rising Kindergarten Parents there will be a meeting at 5:45pm

  • We will have prizes, snacks and games along with face painting hair tinsels and more!

  • While kids and students are hanging out there will be time for parents to connect with other parents, grab info for Community kids and Edge students like curriculum and parent discipleship resources! Even better get signed up early for camp!

So whether you are new to CCC or this isn't your first rodeo come make sure what we at Christ Community are moving towards this school year with the Next Gen!




We gather Sundays starting at 10 AM. Coffee will be ready, Community Kids is available, and we'll sing, pray, and open Scripture together.



Governor's Square 

198 Frankfort Road

Shelbyville, KY 40065

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