2025 has been ripe with huge weather shifts and that means weather decisions for leaders. Trust me, no one likes them. There's almost always an immediate and on-going audit of whether or not we got it right.
Yesterday might have been the first time I can say we got it "half right."
We initially decided to move forward and urge caution. At what felt like the last minute to let people know before they got out, we shifted and cancelled as snow came down furiously on top of wet roads.
I hated the waffling as much as making the final decision to cancel. It felt like whatever we did was going to be "half right."
Today, on President's Day, I was reminded of a story from Abraham Lincoln that grounded me and reminded me of what it looks like to lead by faith.
A guest at one his receptions commented that in his home state, the people said that the welfare of the nation depended on God and Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln quickly responded, "You're half right."
Amen! Lead with faith this week.. whether that's your family, your work, your youth sports team, your volunteer team or something else completely.
The picture above is off 7th Street here in Shelbyville.
It didn't dawn on me until later, but there was an incredible irony with the quick hitting rain and snow that changed our plans yesterday. Our passage from Judges for the day, Judges 4-5, tells the story of a battle that was profoundly impacted by a quick hitting weather event. It involved a lot of water, too!
No spoilers as I'll preach that sermon this coming weekend, but I would encourage you to go read the passage in Judges 4-5! I'll never forget the weekend that lots of water paused our telling of the time God used lots of water to defeat Jabin's army!
I got out early yesterday morning to check on flooding in Shelbyville running into road blocks here in town.
But what our neighbors in Eastern Kentucky are going through is just awful. Only a couple years after several lost homes and resources in a flood, they are facing that again. I can't imagine! And now several people have died. Mercy!
We're in communication with our friends at GAP about what's needed and how we can help. We were scheduled to send folks down there February 18 to help with the first food distribution in their new center. We are checking on the status of that trip. If you're interested in going, please contact katie@loveshelbyville.com.
In the meantime, check out the latest update from John at Gap.