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Community Kids are serving Shelbyville through giving! Over the next few weeks, we are collecting toothpaste and deodorant to donate to the Touched Twice free medical clinic in Shelbyville. Touched Twice shares the love of Jesus and meets needs of the community by offering free services such as medical/dental/vision screenings, haircuts, food pantry, family photos, etc.

We will be collecting these items though Sunday, March 9. We have challenged our kids to reach the following goals in giving to earn a "Super Sunday" on March 16 after we have finished collecting:

  • 50 items - Wear pjs to church
  • 100 items - Poptarts for breakfast
  • 150 items - Games during our gathering 
  • 200 items - Pie a leader 

Reach out to krysta@loveshelbyville with any questions or for more information.